It definitely have been a while since I last updated. Too many things to share but have not had the chance to do so. Even before I delivered, rasa tak bermaya nak mengupdate blog ni. Lepas delivered lagi la, mmg x berkesempatan as I was so busy adjusting and adapting with having a newborn. Alhamdulillah, dah lepas pantang ni, baby and I are abit more stable. So boleh la nak start updating now and then yeah.
So first thing first, introducing this princess of ours, Suri Erynna Rizha. She finally decided to come out on 11 July 2013 at 8.53pm. Birth weight was 2.745kg.
Fresh from the oven. Mummy pun tak keluar OT lagi masa ni. |
1 day young. She looked so peaceful. |
Mata sepet awal2 tu.
7 days young. Botak sudah! |
1st raya celebration @ 28 days. |
An attempt to wake her up for milky milky! |
Gaya sapa lak dia tido ni. mummy ke daddy. btw, yes, i loveeeee pokodots!
Meanwhile, since I decided to start updating today.. on the Malaysia's Independence Day, I would like to wish everyone
Selamat Hari Merdeka!! (Pls insert fireworks here!!)