“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Still on the most torturing month of the year
I've completed the JPRs feedback for my staffs whom I am evaluating this year.. finally!
Honestly, all of the feedback i gave are 100% on work performance. It's my principle of not mixing business and personal wise when it comes to evaluation matters. So far, I think I've given good feedbacks to those I am evaluating. And of course the development need feedbacks that I put in were all based on my experiences working with each one of them as well as based from feedbacks I got from my co-workers.
As for me, given that i am also an employee there, i also have my superiors evaluating me. Honestly, I am confused and upset..
Yeap.. no doubt most of the feedback in the development needs are correct but i'm just upset over 1 particular thing. The thing is there is this one point that 2 of my superiors raised for me to improve on. However, I seriously can't accept the way the point was written by 1 of them. I think it's a bit hush and can be structured more positively to avoid me feeling offended. Ooh well.. what the heck. The more i keep thinking of it the more i feel bad. But again... the sentence can be structured in better way.. at least yang tak menyakitkan hati.. duh!

What ever it is, i hope my increment would still be good this year.. kalau x sia2 jer berhempas pulas cam nak mati time compliance this year.. yucks!

Honestly, all of the feedback i gave are 100% on work performance. It's my principle of not mixing business and personal wise when it comes to evaluation matters. So far, I think I've given good feedbacks to those I am evaluating. And of course the development need feedbacks that I put in were all based on my experiences working with each one of them as well as based from feedbacks I got from my co-workers.
As for me, given that i am also an employee there, i also have my superiors evaluating me. Honestly, I am confused and upset..

What ever it is, i hope my increment would still be good this year.. kalau x sia2 jer berhempas pulas cam nak mati time compliance this year.. yucks!

Tuesday, 29 July 2008
The most torturing month of the year
Here comes the month in which i think is the most torturing month of the year. Oh god.. I hate JPRs.. i've been waiting for the time if the company ever decides to stop all these JPRs thinggy. I am so wishing for that to happen.. oh and timesheet also.. eii... really really hate it!!

A collegue of mine has the same opinion. It is so stressful being in the roundtable discussion. It is so stressful in helping the mgt to decide who deserves the promotion and who does not. Takut jugak sbb ni periuk nasi orang kan. As much as we want the best for ourselves, we also want the best for our staffs. But again, it's a roundtable discussion and everyone gets to say what ever they think whether they think one can proceed to the next level or otherwise. Sometimes, u r great at one's eyes but on the other hand you might not even be good to another person's eyes. That's when the arguments start coming out and when each one is trying to make the best out of their evaluation of a person.
Can't wait for this Friday to end.. signing off for now, have to continue with completing my staffs' JPRs. Adios amigos!
p/s: Pics for last weekend trip with Getzzone will be posted later..

A collegue of mine has the same opinion. It is so stressful being in the roundtable discussion. It is so stressful in helping the mgt to decide who deserves the promotion and who does not. Takut jugak sbb ni periuk nasi orang kan. As much as we want the best for ourselves, we also want the best for our staffs. But again, it's a roundtable discussion and everyone gets to say what ever they think whether they think one can proceed to the next level or otherwise. Sometimes, u r great at one's eyes but on the other hand you might not even be good to another person's eyes. That's when the arguments start coming out and when each one is trying to make the best out of their evaluation of a person.
Can't wait for this Friday to end.. signing off for now, have to continue with completing my staffs' JPRs. Adios amigos!
p/s: Pics for last weekend trip with Getzzone will be posted later..

Saturday, 26 July 2008
When u get to laugh out loud
Just came back from lepaking with my peeps. As usual, there will be net, pian, soto & yana. But this time, zu & fik pun ada.. best giler. Dah lama x jumpa diorg.. eh, not dah lama x jumpa, dah lama x hang out ngan diorg. Ok, so, when it comes to lepaking with the gang especially when it involves net.. hmmm.. apa lagi... mmg through out the time gelakk jer la memanjang. And of cos, jokes utama, mmg sah2 la bab kena mengenakan sesama sendiri. Tapi net tetap champion. Bab kena mengenakan orang ni.. nobody can ever takes the title off him. Nak2 nya bila engine si zul dah start. Mmg pecah perut semua orang la dia buat lawak. But the funny thing is, sure yg sentiasa jadi mangsa or jadi bahan is ME!!! They are sooo meannn... Jahat! Jahat! But it was good la actually.. eh.. not part yg kena kan i tu ok. It was the laughing part yang best giler. Not all the time dapat gelak sesuka hati camni. I have a feeling suara kitaorg kuat giler kat situ dgn laughter lagi... huhuhu...
I shd get to bed. Have to wake up early to pack my beg for the trip. Aaargghhh... sleepy.. okie.. nite2!
I shd get to bed. Have to wake up early to pack my beg for the trip. Aaargghhh... sleepy.. okie.. nite2!

1.5 hours to go
OK.. seriously I am not in the mood of working freaking rite now. It's Friday and the office is very quiet. Managers are out for a meeting. Many staffs are on leave. My work is getting piled up. And I am still extremely pissed off with my boss since the morning weekly roundtable for what she said... god damn it. I just feel like leaving the office rite now. 1.5 hours to go before 5.30pm. OK naz.. relax... inhale.. exhale.... i'm counting the clock.. every second it ticks. ok, maybe i'm gonna kill the time by completing my timesheet... duh!

Thursday, 24 July 2008
A glimpse of Zu & Fik's wedding

Just to share some pictures taken at Zu & Fik's wedding reception. These pics are extracted from some of my buddies' facebook (hehehe.. save dari korang jer la, almaklum la x bwk camera sendiri.. hehehe).
Venue : PWTC, KL
Date : 29 June 2008

10 months later
guess what? i can't remember that i've actually created an account in blogspot like 10 months ago with my 1st entry in it. It is so funny when reading it back. I was so enthusiastic 10 months back about this blog. what makes me remember? I don't know. I know that i always wanted to have another blog but i did not know that i have actually have the other blog. ooh well.. age is catching up i guess.. :p
anyway, i am still in the office now and it is almost 7pm. Hey, i should go back. It is not even peak period. and i can't even claim timeoff for working extra hours now!! what the hell am i still doing here? owh crap!! i'm goin'... i'm goin'...
p/s: Gosh, my boss is talking on the phone so loud and practically everyone can hear her talking...
anyway, i am still in the office now and it is almost 7pm. Hey, i should go back. It is not even peak period. and i can't even claim timeoff for working extra hours now!! what the hell am i still doing here? owh crap!! i'm goin'... i'm goin'...
p/s: Gosh, my boss is talking on the phone so loud and practically everyone can hear her talking...

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