“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."


This is a personal blog about a woman - as a daughter, a wife, a career woman, a homemaker, a mommy - and her thoughts and feelings through out her personal/work lives, as a citizen of her beloved country, her previous journey to motherhood and her journey as a mommy. This blog has no intention to offend or to have an influence on anyone. Read at your cost. Erti kata lain, if x suka, u r welcome to click the "X" on the top right hand corner. Erti kata lain lagi, tak payah ler baca...

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Check up updates~

Had 2 days in a row appointments at PPUM this week.  One was a normal pre-natal check up and another one was an eye check referred by the endocrine specialist.

Pre-natal check up
Yay, get to see my gynae last Thursday. Alhamdulillah. Super duper busy ladey! Missed her for last check up as she was facilitating exams.  Good to see her as I have tonnes of questions which I am only comfortable to discuss with her.  Bukan apa, with other gynaes, malas nak tanya2 sebab I guessed I am more open with my gynae and she is willing to answer all questions even how naive or funny my questions would be.  So i this time I had her to explain the last baby scan report sbb the previous gynae i saw didn't bother to explain it to me in detail.  Dr Sofi yang sangat rajin melayan my questions dengan bestnya plot the measurement of my baby from the previous 2 regrowth scan report on this designated chart and explain to me accordingly.  She said everything looks good, inshaAllah.  :)

So I am now into my 3rd trimester, inshaAllah.  27w 6d. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah.

I will be having my ATT injection next week.  Dr said, the injection is to prevent from infection masa bersalin nanti.  Kot2 la terberanak tepi jalan on the way to the hospital kan.  So at least, I'm vaccinated.  My first injection will be next week. Patutnya boleh je kalau nak terus inject masa jumpa dia last Thursday, but I wasn't ready.  Err... ready for what i pun tatau.  Tak prepare laa nak kena jap ari tu. huhu.  So I said, I'll do it next week on my scanning appointment date.  She just laughed tgk i takut kena inject. Lol.  Apparently there will be 2 injections.  After the 1st one next week, the 2nd one will be 4 weeks from that date.  Oh no.  Hope it won't hurt.  Takut k!

I also asked her if she thinks I may be able to have a normal delivery or not.  She answered "why not? we can try."  And smiled.  Very positive and determining.  I like!  Dr said that so far I have not shown any serious problems that may prevent me from having a normal delivery.  Then I asked her what about the size of my pelvic bone since i heard some people cannot deliver naturally if their pelvic bone is small.  She said that it is not tested (ok hit me, since I was a bit blurred when she said that but nodded.. hahahha..).  Then she continued "But if by 37 weeks ur baby is above 3.6kg, I won't encourage sebab u kecik". "And usually, if ada diabetes ni, 2 weeks before ur due date kita akan induce sbb takut baby besar sgt".  Hmm... ok... so I summarized, despite anything, mmg kena tunggu dekat2 nak bersalin jugak la baru tau leh normal ke tak.  Yelah, sometimes if kita plan a normal delivery pun, but kalau time tu baby x engage ke or berjam2 still x dillate, so I guessed the option would be c-section juga la kan.  

"La ilaha illah anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimeen"

Sekarang ni yang mampu untuk dibuat ialah berdoa.. berdoa dan berdoa. Berserah kepada Yang Maha Esa dan semoga semuanya dipermudahkan.  Amin.

Eye checks
So the next day I went for another appointment.  This was my 1st time for this eye check.  The endocrine specialist had me referred to the eye clinic as a procedure for diabetic patients.  This check is to check for diabetic retinopathy which is a blood clot inside the blood veins at the back of the eyes. 

Save the long explanation which you can just google, in short, damage to the retina at the back of the eye (retinopathy) is a common complication of diabetes. If left untreated, it can get worse and cause some loss of vision, or blindness in severe cases. Good control of blood sugar (glucose) and blood pressure slows down the progression of retinopathy. Treatment with a laser, before the retinopathy gets severe, can often prevent loss of vision.

First time at the eye clinic or its medical name is Ophthalmology Clinic was quite an experience.  Ramainya orang.. oooemgee!!  I arrived quite early that day, before 8am dah sampai and my number for registration was 66!  Good enuf, the queue was quite fast, x habis lagi milo sekotak dah sampai 66 though at the time i pressed the number, it was only number 37.  After registered, I got another number for another queue.  Apparently the same number will be called 3 times... all for different procedures!

1st procedure, eye screening... basically to read the alphabets on the screen with and without lenses.  

2nd procedure, in order for the doctor to examine the eyes properly, the nurse will have drops put into the eyes to make the pupil as wide as possible. I was told that the drops will make your vision blurry for up to six hours. 

3rd procedure, finally, jumpa doctor!  How the doctor examined my eyes was by using a microscope.  Ok, xde korek2 biji mata ye.  I know i exaggerated my thoughts! mmg over la kan hehe.  The machine used lebih kurang sama mcm dekat optometrist kalau kita nak buat glasses.  Using that machine, microscope and a very, very, very bright light, the doctor viewed each of my eyes.  Well, it was not painful cuma uncomfortable due to the light.  Mmg terang sbb suluh dekat dalam mata.  I guessed sbb nak tgk veins belakang mata tu kan, so kena la terang!

After the eye examining, the doctor explained to me the result.  Alhamdulillah, semua ok. Nothing abnormal.  Ok, baru je nak hembus nafas lega, she said that as a procedure, for expectant mothers with diabetes, actually every 3 months i.e. every trimester kena check.  but since I am already into my 3rd trimester, so another 3 months, i pun dah deliver, inshaAllah.  Therefore, she said she will do another check before deliver at 35weeks and another one after deliver.  *gulp*  Ok je la... nothing wrong with check ups.. to be on the safe side kan? 

So before balik, I asked her if it was ok for me to drive since the effect of the drops was still there.  She asked me to rest my eyes for a while and go outside where there was sunlight and see how my vision was.  Kalau still blurry, better not.  But inside my head dah terfikir, "boleh ni drive..".

Huh, the moment i stepped outside, mmg blur giler!  Too bright, i can't focus to anything.  Rasa nak pejam mata je sambil jalan. Huhu.  So I sat down at the bench there, and called my dad suruh dia amek.  Hehe.  Of cos, my sister had to accompany him sebab nak drive my car back.  Pity her!  Giler la x kan nak tunggu 6 hours kat situ sampai my vision is back to normal kan?!

Unfortunately, or fortunately... my vision was back to normal 100% the next day after a long sleep!!  So, next visit kena suruh DH amek cuti and accompany me nampaknya.

Oh well!

Last but not least, looking forward to the coming months! :)


Monday, 22 April 2013

This is what I call, grab & pay!

So last Saturday, DH asked what was my plan for that day.  I have no particular plans  but I know I wanted to go to the Pureen Sale.  DH however is not the kind yang suka sesak2, crowded, panas, etc.  So I have already decided to go there with my sis.  Cuma, x confirm je yang my sis boleh teman ke x. Lol.

So when DH tanya, cepat2 tanya dia balik, what was his plan.  dia ckp xde apa.  So I terus la dengan muka comot baru bangun tido sambil buat ala-ala kiut, told him that I wanted to go the Pureen sale and asked if he could drive me there.  And he answered "ok, tapi i drop u then i tunggu dalam kereta ok?".  Ohhh, good enuf for me actually.  Sebab, i know i wont enjoy my shopping if nanti kena tgk muka DH yang kepanasan and nak cepat.  At least, I have all the time to choose-compare-think-letak balik-amek balik-think again-compare again- for god knows how many time.  Hehe.

So he dropped me exactly depan gate warehouse tu.  It was actually a good thing hubby dropped me there and waited somewhere else while waiting for me to finish shop sbb Ya Rabbi, banyak sungguh kereta and there was so hard to get a parking and u have to park so far away.  Well, i know this from my observation sepanjang salam kereta nak sampai depan gate warehouse tu la.  Hubby asked how long I need.  Told him, it will be a quick one sebab my main concern nak grab the ABD liquid detergent je. :)

Well, I was right about being quick.. but errr... not that right on grabbing only ABD liquid detergent :)

All at very good bargain!  Storage bottle, RM1 each!! 

Ok la, actually takde la banyak sangat I membeli this time.  Total damage pun around RM150 je.  But the stuffs were so cheap! Tu yang main grab je.  Most of the things dah beli pun before but since it is cheap and memang guna pun, so I beli je lagi.  I tak beli baju2 pun sbb dah I think cukup buat masa ni.  Tak tengok pun baju2 sbb hehe.. i dont trust myself.. sebab takut terbeli pulak!

For me mmg best Pureen Sale ni.  Worth it!  Nasib baik time I pergi they just restock the stuffs and orang pun not as crowded as in the morning.  

So next sale boleh pergi lagi for sure. kan? :)


Saturday, 13 April 2013

Pureen Warehouse Sale. Harus pergi!


When he is more interested with my tummy!

Tengah tahan gelak sbb dear hubby sebok suh berdiri straight nak capture gambar perot bulat!

Ada org cakap i didn't gain any weight, cuma perot je besar. sapa cakap?  dush!

Monday, 1 April 2013

New addition to my daily supplements.

Went to LHDN panel last week just to get this! *insert senyum kambing here*.  Again, speaking of getting it for free. Hehe.  

Well, since we have the privilege to do so, might as well make a full use of it kan.  At least I get to save around RM60 per month :))

I  got to know bout NeuroGain from my cousins and SIL. Private hospital memang recommend and prescribe this supplement to their expectant patients.  As for government hospitals, I checked with my gynae and she said, they don't prescribe it but it is up to the mother-to-be to consume it or not.  I'm not sure why they don't prescribe it.  Could be the cost is kinda pricey.  Ntah la..

Nevertheless, since my cousins and SIL said that it is good for brain development (also did some readings on the net), I decided to consume it.  I didn't bother to go and check at the pharmacy sbb my SIL cakap mmg mahal.  Well, it cost around RM60 +-  for 30 capsules i.e. 1 month supply.  I mmg decide nak ambik kat panel je sebab... well.... it's free!! hihi.

From my readings, it says that kita boleh start NeurogainPB ni masa kandungan masuk 2nd trimester.  Ada jugak yg cakap bila 3rd trimester.  And even lepas give birth pun kita boleh continue makan this supplement sbb baby still boleh dapat khasiat dia melalui susu nanti.  That's why it is called NeurogainPB.  Kalau nak tau, PB tu ialah Pregnancy, Breastfeeding.

So from Mr google, here are the benefits of Neurogain PB ni:-

NeuroGain PB, ianya mengandungi DHA, EPA, AA, OA dan natural tocopherol untuk membantu menjana otak bayi dari dalam kandungan.

another explainations:

Scientifically Formulated For Pregnant and Breast-feeding Women
Both Ω=3, Ω=6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are essential but the body requires them in a ratio that is not normally achieved by the typical diet of today's industrialized nations. They must be consumed regularly as the body has limited storage for them.

Pregnancy - in the last three months of pregnancy, it is important that the mother-to-be has an ample supply of the omega-3 fatty acids. Around 70 percent of all the cells that made up the adult brain are formed during this period. The omega-3 DHA central to this process reaches the fetus from the mother via the placenta.

If there is insufficient DHA for the baby, fetal development may be impaired resulting in lower IQ and poor visual acuity.

What is NeuroGain® PB Vegicaps®* ?
Neurogain® PB is a natural, customized, standardized, refined purified, high quality formulation of conditionally Essential Fatty Acids for Pregnant and Breast-feeding women. Now available in vegetable capsules made in Germany, Neurogain® PB is DHA high, EPA low with AA and OA to help Pregnant and Breast-feeding women meet important pre and peri natal nutritional requirements in essential fatty acids. Neurogain® PB is scientifically formulated in line with international recommendations for essential fatty acids supplementation early in life.

Why a vegetable capsule ?

Unlike capsules from beef or pork materials, vegetable capsules (Vegicaps® Soft)* have a multicultural appeal while showing proven chemical and physical stability with low odor, taste and aftertaste.

Who needs NeuroGain® PB ?

Pregnant and Breast-feeding women
Pregnant women with a history of low birth weight babies, pre-term births
Frequent, multiple pregnancies
Pregnant women allergic to fish and eggs
Poor, unbalanced maternal diet

When is the best time to take NeuroGain® PB ?
At meal time for better absorption and compliance. When eating, the fats in the meal will improve the absorption of Neurogain® PB essential fatty acids like DHA in the body.

Is it safe to use NeuroGain® PB ?Yes, NeuroGain® PB is a natural DHA supplement of EFAs. The EPA level is low in line with WHO and ISSFAL recommendations for DHA supplementation at an early stage of life. NeuroGain® PB is not a drug.

Why is NeuroGain® PB free of Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) ?

EPO, Borage oil, and possibly other substances containing GLA, should not be used during pregnancy because they may be harmful to the fetus and induce labor

How about the cleanliness of the finished product ?

NeuroGain® PB is manufactured under the highest international standards for quality and safety for EFAs. In order to minimize the risk of contamination, NeuroGain® PB is controlled and molecularly distilled to systematically remove PCB's and DDT's. Heavy metals are removed by going through an absorption column. At the end, varied tests will check the low level of peroxidation and the removal of pollutants.

What are the best storage conditions for NeuroGain® PB ?
Store at room temperature in a cool and dry place. The vegetable capsules provide excellent protection for oxygen sensitive essential fatty acids.

From my observation, anak2 my SIL sume agak cerdik and cergas. Bab2 menghafal surah2 Al-Quran pun kecik2 dah boleh. And the first two kids tu every year dapat no.1 dalam kelas and seluruh darjah 5 and 6. Ok, i tak pasti if supplement ni ada direct implication to their cleverness, tapi x salah if kita cuba and ikhtiar kan?. InshaAllah.
