“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."


This is a personal blog about a woman - as a daughter, a wife, a career woman, a homemaker, a mommy - and her thoughts and feelings through out her personal/work lives, as a citizen of her beloved country, her previous journey to motherhood and her journey as a mommy. This blog has no intention to offend or to have an influence on anyone. Read at your cost. Erti kata lain, if x suka, u r welcome to click the "X" on the top right hand corner. Erti kata lain lagi, tak payah ler baca...

Monday, 14 September 2009

Iftar @ Delicious

The peeps & I had buka puasa @ Delicious, Bangsar Village last Friday. Actually this was the 2nd buka puasa organised this Ramadhan but because I was not able to join the first round, my dear girlfriend has actually arranged for this 2nd one just so I could be there. Yeap, I really have to admit that I havent actually been actively hanging out with the peeps like before. Yang best nya, when my gf sent out the email to all of us, the subject was "Buka puasa with Naz"... hahaha... rasa cam VIP lak. But hey, thanks darlings for organising the 2nd one. And thanks to those that came to buka puasa with me.. hehehehe...

One of my friends once asked me (can't remember who), "Eh naz, knp kawan2 you orang2 yang sama jer everytime korang hang out or gi holiday?" Hmm, good question. Actually, despite of me being a friendly person, honestly, I have a very limited circle of close friends. Ntah, maybe when u r comfortable with your clique, napa nak susah2 cari yang lain kan? And the above people (plus few more close friends I have - not in the pix above), they have been with me through my thicks and thins.. and I value the bond of friendships that we share.



dialicious said... did u get my blog link?i ade bg ke?dh terlupa..nway,wah..u look good in tudung!:) i agree w u..the limited number of close frens are the ones who will b there 4u at all times.

NazLurve said...

Hi diah, hahaha.. it's not hard for a blogger to know about other blogger.. hehehe.. No la.. i think x silap i, i saw it in your fb kot masa u upload2 ur wedding pix. That's how i know la.. x kisah kan? hehe.. best gak baca journey of a newly wed ni.. hehehe

oh.. do i really look good in tudung? ahaks.. no la.. but thanks ya! =))