Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Detective HOLMES

Two THUMBS up!!!
Honestly, i thought i would have fallen asleep once i sat on the chair. I am actually not a big fan of this kind of detective2 story... tapi sbb the boyfriend wanted to watch it so much so teman la. But then, scene after scene made u wanting to watch more. Sangat best citer ni ruper nyer (tapi malas nak mengaku depan the boyfriend.. hehe). Go watch peeps... it is sooo worth it. Can't wait for the SH 2.. ada ke nanti?
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Seeking help from Vanilla Coke

and so, the boyfriend's right!
the coke (in my case, i took vanilla coke instead) helps making my sore throat feel much2 better.
of cos, mula2 cam...
"biar betul dia ni, elok ke tekak ni nanti?"
tapi alhamdulillah, hari ni x rasa perit sangat tekak ni..
But, please please... not the cold one ok. The boyfriend dah warning awal2, biar coke tu hilang sejuk dia... (of cos, x payah la gatal2 dipanaskan dlm microwave pulak kan.. hehe). so, dah agak2 x sejuk tu, minum la untuk melegakan tekak anda yang sakit tu... huhu.. cam wat iklan lak.
anyway, don't asked me if you can substitute it with pepsi or not cos honestly i don't know. You can try, thereafter pls share ur "experience" with us ok?
Monday, 28 December 2009
I was born in August.. I am August baby! =)
Anyway, there's this application on fb that i did. Tajuk dia "What does your birth month says about you?". And since I am still awake and can't sleep at this wee hour... lets analyse.. betul ke apa yang dikata... btw, no wonder i love number 8.. adakah kerana saya lahir pada bulan itu? hik hik..

- Very ambitious - Erm.. Money wise, yes yes yes!... Career wise, previously yes, but skrg cam graph mcm menurun jer.. i dunno...
- Brave and daring attitude - Brave? Yes, I am definitely a risk taker :). Daring attitude? At times, so yes.. true..
- Devoted lover, sensitive nature - This is soooo true.. kawan2 ku juga pasti setuju.. kan kan kan
- Get jealous easily - This is applicable for my relationship jer ye.. memang ku sgt senang jealous... uwaaaa.. trying hard to change though!
- Get angry easily - Eh manade... tipu la benda ni.. (err... hmm... )
- Proud of your achievement - Mesti la.. tapi bukan la riak ke apa kan..
- Attention seeker - Also only applicable to my r/ship. Huhuhu.. sorry la.. i just cannot help it if i feel that his attention kat i cam hilang jap.. so i'll do things to get his attention more.. huhuhu..
- Very generous - Ermm.. ye ker? ok la... (hehe.. malu nak puji diri sendiri pulak.. ;p)
- Easy going - True
- Strong character - Ye ke? Ntah.. x sure lak.. huhuhu...
- Born to be successful - InsyaAllah...
- Observant - Owh, mind u... i memang suka observe my surroundings. But no worries.. i always try to reserve negative comments.. hehe..
- Creative bend of mind - Erm.. kalau suka berangan tu kira creative bend of mind ke?
- Caring & loving - Ok, ni mmg nak puji diri sendiri... Rasa2 nya... betul la tu.. hehe..
- Faithful friend - Alhamdulillah so far yes.
Owh, tiba2 my perut ku mcm sakit pulak.. dah 28th patut la... my monthly cycle is coming soon... punctual betul sekarang. Alhamdulillah la kan.. kira normal la tu. huhu. okie dokie.. gonna head to bed and try to sleep now... nak kena kira sheep ni.. nanyte!
Silent reader?
Siapakah itu?
**wink wink**
Greetings from me!
To all my BELOVED readers,
Visit me, read me & CLICK on my NUFF ya!
Luv, Naz
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Selamat Hari Asyura (10 Muharram)
- Allah jadikan 7 petala langit dan 7 petala bumi.
- Allah jadikan bulan,bintang,matahari dan cakrawala.
- Allah jadikan Arasy,Loh Mahfuz,Kalam dan Malaikat.
- Allah mencipta Nabi Adam Alaihissallam.
- Allah menjadikan Siti Hawa.
- Allah menjadikan Syurga.
- Dimasukkan Nabi Adam ke dalam Syurga.
- Taubat Nabi Adam diterima Allah.
- Nabi Noh diselamatkan oleh Allah keluar dari bahtera setelah bumi tenggelam selama enam bulan.
- Nabi Ibrahim dilahirkan dan 10 Muharram juga Baginda diselamatkan Allah daripada pembakaran Raja Zamrud.
- Allah menurunkan kitab Taurat kepada Nabi Musa.
- Nabi Yusuf dibebaskan dari penjara.
- Pengelihatan Nabi Yaakob yang buta dipulihkan oleh Allah.
- Nabi Ayub dipulihkan oleh Allah dari penyakit kulit yang dideritainya.
- Nabi Yunus selamat keluar dari perut ikan setelah berada didalamnya selama empat puluh hari dan empat puluh malam.
- Laut merah terbelah dua untuk menyelamatkan Nabi Musa bersama pengikutnya daripada tentera Firaun.
- Firaun dan pengikutnya tenggelam kedalam lautan tersebut.
- Nabi Sulaiman dikurniakan Allah Kerajaan yang besar.
- Hari pertama Allah mencipta alam dan menurunkan hujan.
Amalan-amalan sunat pada Hari Asyura:
- Berpuasa-Pahalanya seperti mengerjakan haji dan umrah dan mati syahid.
- Mandi dan membersihkan diri-Nescaya hatinya tidak akan mati dan tidak akan jatuh sakit pada tahun itu kecuali mati.
- Melebihkan perbelanjaan dalam keluarga-Diluaskan Allah rezekinya serta beroleh keamanan dan kesihatan.
- Mengusap kepala anak yatim dan menaruh belas kasihan terhadap mereka- Diangkat oleh Allah darjatnya kesyurga.
- Sesiapa yang berbuat baik terhadap anak yatim pada hari Asyura, seolah-olah ia telah berbuat baik kepada semua anak yatim.
- Menziarahi orang alim (banyak ilmu) dan belajar sesuatu ilmu daripadanya-Pahalanya seperti orang Muhajirin dan Ansar.
- Menziarahi orang sakit - Pahalanya seolah-olah ia telah menziarahi semua orang yang sedang sakit.
- Bersedekah - Pahalanya sepertiu bersedekah satu tahun kepada zuriat Nabi Adam dan seolah-olah ia tidak pernah menolak permintaan orang yang meminta kepadanya seumur hidup.
- Membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sebanyak 1000 kali--Doanya dimakbulkan Allah.
- Sunat bercelak mata - InsyaAllah tidak terkena sakit mata atau matanya dilindungi Allah daripada perkara maksiat.
- Sunat menginai dan mengerat kuku.
- Menjamu dan memberi minum kepada orang-Allah akan memberi seteguk air pada hari akhirat dimana dengan seteguk air itu tidak akan haus buat selama-lamanya.
- Solat sunat 4 rakaat 1 salam pada waktu Asar - Diampunkan Allah dosanya selama 50 tahun terdahulu dan terkemudian.
- Memperkukuhkan silaturrahim - Insya Allah dipanjangkan usianya.
- Memperbanyakkan Zikir dan Selawat.( Khasbunnallah wa nikmal wakil, nikmal maula wa nikman nassir )
p/s: actually, i pun x igt yang hari ni dah 10 Muharram @ Hari Asyura. No wonder la mommy decided to change the tahlil kesyukuran to tonite instead of last night. Anyway, Selamat Hari Asyura semua!
Friday, 25 December 2009
It's a year today!
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Cuba la dengar kata sikit!
Budak kuning kat atas ni tersangat la nakal sekarang ni!! Nak marah lebih2 kesian, sebab comey sgt.. tapi.. aduh.. degil!!!! Fluffy is a home cat, memang x pandai nak merayau2 kat luar rumah. Kalau keluar pun, he knows his limit sampai gate jer. And dia tahu kalau kuar rumah, just to do his things jer kat his little potty outside the house. Makan sumer mmg kat dlm umah. And of cos, tido pun, if it's not on my bed, kat mana2 yang empuk la.
Tapi, malam tadi, i dunno why.. maybe he memberontak kot asyik kena dok dlm umah jer. So while i was hanging my wet clothes outside, budak kuning ni, sebab he knew i was outside, dia pun keluar ikut sliding door (memang his way in & out to go to his potty lah.) So, when i was done with sidai'ing my clothes, ajak la dia masuk. Boleh pulak he ran, under my dad's car and duduk kat bawah tu. So, terjerit2 la daku tengah2 malam suh dia masuk. Tapi dia bleh wat dekkkk jer.
So, i did the trick yang slalu i buat.. tutup pintu, tutup lampu & menyorok. Lama gak la, ada la dlm 3 minit... selalu nyer within few seconds, dia memang akan masuk ikut sliding door tu balik sebab dia ni pengecut gak sebenarnya. Tapi ni tak, tunggu punya tunggu x masuk2 jugak. So i switched on the lights, buka pintu and keluar balik. Terbongkok2 la tepi keta tu, nak tarik kaki dia. Tapi disebabkan dia buat bunyi manja dia tu, x sampai hati nak tarik sebab takut dia sakit. So i bangun and told him "fluffy, tido la kat luar, nanti anjing makan x tau". And sambil jalan nak masuk umah, i sambung (still x puas ati tu) "fluffy, kalau x masuk umah, xmo kawan".. hahhaha.. ok ok.. yeap, i do talk to my cats like that!
I don't think he came inside last night sbb normally kalau dia kat dlm umah, sure dia dah naik to my room to sleep on my cozy bed. Ni xde pun.. so i assumed he x masuk la.. DEGIL! And pagi tadi, masa nak gi keja, dia dengan muka x malu nyer datang gesel2 kat kaki sbb nak breakfast. And it was my turn pulak buat dekkkk kat dia.. padan muka! I just put his whiskas dlm his bowl then i walked towards the door. Xde pun nak gosok2 kiss2 dia like every morning. I think dia pun pelik napa i angkat and kiss2 him sebab he just stood at his plate while looking at me walked away. Hmmm.. biar dia rasa... serve him right!
Masa balik keja tadi, masuk2 rumah, fluffy dah tunggu depan pintu. Eiii comel nyer budak ni... tapi still x nak tego dia, so i buat x tahu jer. Gi dapur minum air, tgk bowl dia ada makanan lagi, so i went straight up. Hehehe.. budak kuning ni ikuttttt jer gi dapur and naik atas sambil nyiau2.. nak suh angkat la tu...
So, kat atas, lepas dah tukar baju sumer, baru la i picked him up and kiss2 dia. Adalah dalam 20 minit bertahan buat dekk tapi kalah sebab kesian plus comey sangat budak ni.. so masa dukung dia tu, sempat lagi tu pesan kat dia "haa, lain kali jangan buat lagi tau.. degil sangat la fluffy ni!". Huhuhu.. i know he understands... :)
p/s: uppss.. panjang nyer blabbing bout him.. hehe.. sabar yer readers!
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Speaking of being a multi-tasker
I can actually apply my multi-tasking skill online.. hehehe.. I am currently...
(pisah ckp citer ni best, tu layannn tu..)
(hehe.. currently on zaquan adha's blog, thanks to Niza for the link!)
terrer x?
hehe.. thanks to the network sebab laju bagai malam ni!
kalau x asyik wat hal jer maxis nih.. huhuhu...
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Sore throat

My sore throat doesn't get any better.. sob.. sob... :( It's kinda weird that i often get sore throat nowadays. Is it the weather? Or is it the cold drinks? I no longer smoke so high chances that the cold drinks are the reason... oh well..
Niway, didn't do nothing much today except blogs hopping all dau long. It's amazing that there are sooooooo many interesting bloggers out there that I came across. I love reading their writings. All of them have their own uniqueness... it is so entertaining!
Well, i sort of have nothing much to say tonite... can't think straight as the throat is tickling itself so badly. Am just gonna take some caugh syrup and head early to bed.
Nanite readers!
Kau yang aku cinta
Owh.. ada contest!
Interesting ya.. and tak susah... I like!
Contest ni kena mereka pantun 4 kerat dengan tajuk "kau yang ku cinta". And here is my pantun...
Tapi ternyata kau tak pandang
Mungkin kerana warnaku kuning dan kau kelabu
Tapi Emily, percayalah bahawa I memang LEBIU..'
So come on now peeps.. jom join contest nie beramai2.. the more the merrier right! Tarikh tutup lambat lagi.. 23 Jan 2010.. still got time.. c'mon, c'mon!
Life is F.U.N.. :)
p/s: Cik Helena, sudi2 la menerima penyertaan saya ni yer.. ;p
Monday, 21 December 2009
Venting out my frustration

Secondly, i would like to congratulate two my colleague in the team who will become ex-colleagues in just a couple more weeks to come, for accepting the offer that came just at the very best time. We will follow u insyaAllah... we? hmm...
Ok.. let me proceed with the entry for tonite. Earlier today, at that place.. had a deep deep conversation with my super superior... more of like venting out all my frustrations. Alhamdulillah.. lega!
Details were:
- My frustration;
- My frustration; and
- My frustration.
Frustrations of how some ppl can be sooooo inconsiderate. Frustrations of how some ppl can be soooo nice in front of u but in reality they are just plainly EVIL. Frustrations of how u worked ur ass off for some people but they didn't acknowledge u or backed u up just to ensure that their territories are safe (so why bother taking care about their subordinates!) Frustrations of how some ppl can just "cuci tangan", "goyang kaki" by just leaving everything to ppl that they know they can just dumped everything to... and yet, no acknowledgement given and no backing up received. Frustration on how some ppl can easily change their moods (kes mood swing la ni..) and expect everyone to follow their swingssss... ah pls.. whatever! Frustrations on the thought that my portfolio under some ppl are expandinggg and yet, what do i get thereafter? Another dissapoinment? Another sucks year? Another BAD BAD reviews as no one bothers to back me up? Sigh... and the frustration lists just goes on and on.
Somehow or rather... it's not the work that really pressure u so much. It's the attitude of ur superiors. After all, people resigned not because they are leaving the company.. BUT they resign because they are leaving their BOSSES!
I am not mean by writing this.. again, this is my blog and i am merely expressing what i experienced this year.
I may look ok to u.. yes u... but the thought about not getting compensated as i should just still haunted me... and honestly i am not ok. Seriously, i don't deserve this. And stop telling me that the absentism caused this... hey... open up ur eyes... there are other people too that should be penalise if it was bcos of the absentism. Can't u see???? And don't say that i didn't do well... i know how i worked last cycle.
It is just UNFAIR!
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Belated birthday pressie :)
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Wedding of an engineer & a doctor
And the rest, pictures of the cousins, uncles & aunties.. enjoy!
Friday, 18 December 2009
Kisah penghijrahanku
Neither would i.
Yes, i do have have the intention to wear tudung one day... but it was just intentions. Or the earliest time i could think of to cover my head would be after i get married... that is if my husband would asked me to!
I was a stucked up daughter who would always go against my parents all the time when it comes to covering head. After all, my other siblings are all free-haired so why would i be bothered to cover mine? The only time I could remember me covering my head was during my kindergarden time as the kindergarden i attended was a Tadika Islam. Oh and also, when i attended sekolah agama during primary time. Other than that, it would be during agama lessons in school and UIS classes in the Uni. Tu pun, it was not like I was wearing proper tudung. Just as long as I covered my head with a piece of cloth regardless how jarang the selendang was, then it was ok.
As I grow older, my dad would always make known to us (me & the sisters) that he wants us to wear tudung. To no surprise, i gave him all sort of excuses of not wearing tudung for me & on behalf of my sisters. Mainly ~ "I'm not ready", "I don't want to be a hipocrite", "Ala, igt sumer org pakai tudung tu baik sangat ke", "Macam kampung la", "Daripada depan mama&ayah kitaorg pakai tudung, then blkg kitaorg bukak, baik x payah", and the list goes on....
I once had an argument with the boyfriend on this tudung thingy. I can still remember, it was in One Utama when we had our snacks at Burger King. Oh masa tu, I was so firmed of not wanting to wear tudung. Kelakar jugak bila fk balik. Penat jer gaduh!
Ok so how did I get the "hidayah"?
Honestly, i can't exactly remember how. Cuma, early 2009, tiba-tiba I realised that I was sooo into browsing tudung on the internet. I would browse on different ways of wearing tudung. I observed people who cover their heads. All these about tudung and covering head suddenly become an interest to me.
Yang paling tak disangka, i woke up one morning, opened my eyes and suddenly I have this feeling of wanting to perform umrah sooooo much. I went downstairs, dengan x mandi sumer lagi, I told my dad my intention. He was very surprised and of course happy (sebab late 2008, he did ajak me to do umrah but as usual i gave him all sort of reasons!). And from that moment on (eh, cam lagu shania twain pulak.. hehe!), I decided to cover my head after balik from Umrah.
Alhamdulillah, it is now 7 months umur penghijrahanku. Automatically, bila dah bertudung, pakaian pun dah x macam dulu sangat. Of cos, tak la drastic giler tutup aurat sumer but slowly, there are improvements. And at the moment, I just cover my head bila keluar rumah je. Belum la sampai tahap, keluar sidai baju or siram pokok bunga pun sarong tudung. And belum juga tahap org dtg rumah pun i pakai tudung jugak. Hehe.. slowly... a step at a time :)
And of course, dalam hati sentiasa berdoa supaya penghijrahan ni berkekalan. Takut jugak if it is just hits of the moments and that one day tiba2 rasa tak nak pakai tudung balik. Yelah, kita ni manusia biasa je... dugaan banyak, datang dari semua angle. Tapi, alhamdulillah, i have my close friends and the boyfriend who are being very supportive. My sisters, even though they are still free-haired, they are the most coolest and supportive sisters i ever have.
And of course, my parents are the most happiest people of all to see that their most stucked up daughter has changed.
So readers... doa kan I ye supaya Allah SWT tetap kan hati I dengan pilihan yang i buat ni and jauhkan dugaan2 dari anasir2 jahat ye.
InsyaAllah... Amin..
Last but not least, Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah 1431H to all muslim readers. Semoga tahun ni lebih bermakna untuk kita semua.
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Click it! Yeah.. click it babeh!
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
The proposal
He answered:-
"Laa... kena ke propose2.. tak payah la propose, memang i tahu the answer is going to be yes.. watpe nak propose2.."
Erm... that was so confident of him!!
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
About 3Ks
Kurus - Masih mencuba dan terus mencuba
Kaya - InsyaAllah, dengan berkat usaha yang berterusan
Kahwin - Plan dah ada, insyaAllah (he said: Baby, I tak nak u bgtau sapa2 lagi tau, tapi roughly bulan xxx, so blh la u ready..;p)
Semoga apa yang dirancang dan dihajati menjadi kenyataan
Monday, 14 December 2009
Premium Beautiful Corset - Only 1 set available!

PAKAIAN DALAM PEMBENTUKAN BADAN PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL membentuk kontur keseluruhan badan yang menarik, bentuk badan yang sihat dan seimbang. Memberikan kesan secara serta merta dengan selamat tanpa memerlukan pengambilan ubat, melakukan pembedahan dan senaman.
Kelebihan kualiti kain Premium Beautiful :
- Rekabentuk stereoskopik sinar infra merah jauh yang berdasarkan potongan rangka badan manusia. Ia berfungsi mendorong peredaran darah dan proses metabolisme.
- Kuasa serapan yang baik, sesuai untuk dipakai seharian, pakaian dalam yang boleh dicuci dan tahan lama.
- Kuasa regangan dalam semua hala. Dapat diregang secara 360 darjah mengikut pergerakan badan tanpa mengubahkan rekabentuk asalnya.
- Sinar infra merah jauh yang dapat menambahkan kekenyalan dan ketegangan buah dada dan menggiatkan tumbesaran buah dada.

1. Cawan coli dengan 3 keping jahitan stereoskopik dapat menolak atas, menyokong dan menetapkan kedudukan buah dada.
2. Rawan keluli memori berfungsi untuk menetap dan menyokong buah dada.
3. Rekaan kuasa tekanan dan regangan berganda pada bahagian depan coli dapat menyelaras perut yang buncit lalu meninggikan kedudukan kontur buah dada.
4. 2 batang keluli berupaya untuk menyelaras dan membentuk kontur badan.
5. Rekaan kuasa tekanan dan regangan berganda pada bahagian belakang coli dapat menutupi bahagian belakang badan, dapat menyelaraskan lebihan lemak pada bahagian belakang , turut mengatasi masalah berbadan besar.
6. Rekaan bentuk ' U ' pada bahagian belakang coli bukan sahaja dapat menguruskan badan, malahan menambah kontur bahagian belakang.
7. Perhiasan berlian berbentuk rama - rama menonjolkan keunggulan produk.
8. Rekaan 3 pasang cangkuk membolehkan anda membuat penyelarasan yang sesuai.SELUAR DALAM PANJANG / LONG GIRDLE

1.32 kepingan jahitan stereoskopik, berdasarkan teori mampatan berserpihan, mengagihkan lebihan lemak ke arah bahagian badan yang bersesuaian.
2.Rekaan dan jahitan unggul cawan pinggul dapat membetulkan pinggul yang lentur, membentuk kontur pinggul yang mempesona dan meninggikan pinggul.
3.Mengasingkan kontur peha dan pinggul, mengagihkan lebihan lemak pada peha ke dalam cawan pinggul dan membentuk kontur pinggul yang sempurna.
4.Dilengkapi dengan kain jenis kapas yang selesa pada bahagian dalam pinggang seluar dapat memperbaiki dan membentuk kontur pinggang yang mempesona.
5.Perhiasan berlian berbentuk rama ¨C rama menonjolkan keunggulan produk.
6.Mampatan yang tetap ke atas abdomen dapat mengurangkan lebihan lemak lalu memperbaiki masalah perut yang buncit.
7.Rekaan mampatan 2 lapisan berfungsi menyelaraskan lemak pada sekitar peha, membentuk kontur peha yang menarik.
8.Penggunaan 2 lapisan kain kapas berlubang kecil berfungsi untuk memberi keselesaan.
9.Penggunaan renda yang fleksible, mengelakkan perasaan tidak menyenangkan akibat pergeseran dengan benang seluar.BENGKUNG PINGGANG / WAIST NIPPER

1.Tujuh batang keluli memori dapat menyokong pinggang dan menegakkan tulang vertebra, turut berupaya memperbaiki postur berdiri dan duduk.
2.Rekaan unik berdasarkan potongan rangka badan manusia, memperkuat pengagihan lemak pada bahagian pinggang ke bahagian dada dan punggung secara serata, turut mencapai kesan pembentukan badan yang seimbang.
3.Tali kenyal yang diimport dari Jepun, membantu menyelaraskan kontur Pinggang.
4.Rekaan secara fleksibel, menghasilkan kesan pembentukan berdasarkan kesesuaian badan individu.
5.Rekaan 3 pasang cangkuk membolehkan anda membuat penyelarasan yang sesuai.
6.Perhiasan berlian berbentuk rama ¨C rama menonjolkan keunggulan produk.Doa
permudahkan la segalanya
On a related note, i finally get to install the bioAura at Aunty Limah's house today. And so, habis la sudah stock bioAura ku. Actually, memang the only one reserved for Aunty Limah pun yang tinggal.. hehe.. sorry ye aunty, asyik selisih masa jer kiter ni.
I have one last piece of beautiful corset set. Initially, mum said she wants it. Tapi rupa2 nyer she only wants the waist nipper. So i gave her mine. Daripada she buy the whole set and tak pakai, might as well i dont sell it to her.. right?
Ok ladies out there, if you are interested for the last piece, just gimme a buzz at 012-6596543.
Payment can be made via instalments - as low as RM100/mth.
Serious buyer only and it is on first come first serve basis!
Footnote: FYI, sekarang nak focus on besar kan biz. Interested, do call me for more details!
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Coming out from the hole
No where.
If i can do 8 hours of working everyday in the office, I am sure i can do 1-2 hours every alternate days to grow the biz back and succeed.
Friday, 11 December 2009
Talking about being unfair?
Talking about being fair?
People have been working their ass off for u but you don't even have the gut to back them up?
People had put aside other people's stuffs to do your stuffs and you don't even give a damn about backing them up?
U are just too good to be true...
p/s: I am sorry, but sapa yg makan cili dia yg terasa pedas!
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Oh well.. thank god i didn't go with the bf. Would have to listen to him condemning the movie forever nanti.. hehehe...
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
"Mimpi hanya sekadar mainan tidur"
The boyfriend & I were on a bus. We were sitting at the most front seats. Then, the bus stopped to pick up people. There was only one man at the bus stop when the bus stopped. He came up. He was my ex.
The boyfriend was holding me very tight. There was something that the bf said but I can't remember. He was looking at the ex while we were talking. And the ex just watched.
weird? not exactly... ;p
I have always have this problem (if i may call it a problem) whereby things that i think so much or anything that anyone would have mentioned prior to my sleep in any night would actually come out in my dreams. It happened soooooo many times. Even when i was just a school kid. Anyway, what i dreamt last night could have been because of the following:
- bus - the bf & i went to pick up his friend @ putra lrt (ok, i don't know what has the bus got anything to do with the lrt but that is the best i could think why i dreamt of being on a bus)
- the bf - owh i dream of the bf every night... hahaha.. so x la pelik sangat.. maybe bcos there is no single day that I won't see him if he's in town? kan baby kan.. :)
- the ex - hm, i think this is because, my sister was asking me the ex's no. cos she needed to ask him something. And I said NO!. probably sebab tu kot he came into my dream.
Hehehehe.. not to be a tukang tilik for my own dreams but... hey... suka la kan... my blog, my say! right?
Okie, enuf all those ramblings.. am off to watch movie now. Best nyer cuti... yeah, when am supposed to be studying kan?? huhuhu... gonna go watch JALANG. talking about being supportive of the Malaysia film industry la kan... huhuhu... tada!
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Friday, 4 December 2009
Finally found you..
The boyfriend took me to the clinic.. along with his nephew and nieces. The doc said i'm having a palate infection.. hmm.. is that so? sucks!
Anyway, the bf's nephew and nieces are just so adorable. There is something about the bf that i do not wish to share with anyone when he is around them... it's only for me to know and feel.. it's this aura.. and i love it. And one thing for sure I am falling in love with him again and again every time. I just love the man in him.
Anyway, the eldest niece asked me:
"Aunty Naz, nak tanya boleh tak.. tapi aunty naz jgn kecik hati ya"
"Tanya la... apa dia?", ok for a second i was kinda cuak sket.. haha..
"Macamana Aunty naz kenal a***n", (sorry, can't reveal what they call their uncle.. hehe)
The bf & i were laughing when we heard the question and the bf & i were like...
"Eiiiiii.. kecik hati nya.. hahahaha.." it was funny... hahaha.. at least i think it was.. ingat kan apa la dia nak tanya...
To end the entry... this song is especially dedicated to the sweetheart of mine (if he ever reads it.. i know he will.. *wink*)..
I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE (Barbra Streisand & Bryan Adams)
I finally found someone, that knocks me off my feet
I finally found the one, that makes me feel complete
We started over coffee, we started out as friends
It's funny how from simple things, the best things begin
This time it's different, dah dah dah dah
It's all because of you, dah dah dah dah
It's better than it's ever been
'Cause we can talk it through
Oohh, my favorite line was "Can I call you sometime?"
It's all you had to say to take my breath away
This is it, oh, I finally found someone
Someone to share my life
I finally found the one, to be with every night
'Cause whatever I do, it's just got to be you
My life has just begun
I finally found someone, ooh, someone
I finally found someone, oooh
Did I keep you waiting, I didn't mind
I apologize, baby, that's fine
I would wait forever just to know you were mine
And I love your hair, sure it looks fine
I love what you wear, isn't it the time?
You're exceptional, I can't wait for the rest of my life
(Repeat Chorus)
Whatever I do, it's just got to be you
My life has just begun
I finally found someone
p/s: It's funny that when i looked back during uni time, i had no idea that we'll be together 5 years after graduated and that we are so insanely in love now... life is just miracle and full of surprises.. right?
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Hari Raya Aidiladha - The highlights
The aidil adha this year, it was quite a surprise when ayah decided to do "korban" there. Which means, we would be celebrating eid there. And to my surprise, I was quite excited to actually go back to Kota Bharu this time around. Despite of having the bad thoughts of sleeping at arwah's abandoned house.. I was happy that we were going back there. On top of that, we do not need to take 2 cars with us no more. Ayah bought over a 7-seater mpv from his brother few weeks back and that was the ride for all of us.. all under one roof! Ok, enuff with all the rambles.. let the pictures do the talking now.. ;p