“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."


This is a personal blog about a woman - as a daughter, a wife, a career woman, a homemaker, a mommy - and her thoughts and feelings through out her personal/work lives, as a citizen of her beloved country, her previous journey to motherhood and her journey as a mommy. This blog has no intention to offend or to have an influence on anyone. Read at your cost. Erti kata lain, if x suka, u r welcome to click the "X" on the top right hand corner. Erti kata lain lagi, tak payah ler baca...

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Kau yang aku cinta

Dalam proses bersiar2 membaca blog2 bloggers... mata ku tersinggah di blog Miss Helena ni.

Owh.. ada contest!

Interesting ya.. and tak susah... I like!

Contest ni kena mereka pantun 4 kerat dengan tajuk "kau yang ku cinta". And here is my pantun...

"Kali pertama memandangmu hatiku tertawan
Tapi ternyata kau tak pandang
Mungkin kerana warnaku kuning dan kau kelabu
Tapi Emily, percayalah bahawa I memang LEBIU..'

My adorable cats - Mr. Fluffy & Ms. Emily

So come on now peeps.. jom join contest nie beramai2.. the more the merrier right! Tarikh tutup lambat lagi.. 23 Jan 2010.. still got time.. c'mon, c'mon!

Life is F.U.N.. :)

p/s: Cik Helena, sudi2 la menerima penyertaan saya ni yer.. ;p


cik helena said...

hai..hehe comel pantun tu..i likeee!!peyertaan diterime!thanks for joining..tgu result k!
salam kenal..

NazLurve said...

salam kenal

okie thanks!!! =))

diana zainal said...

hehehehe.. teror la naz.. pantun master is in the house. hehe.. nice one. :)

NazLurve said...

hahahha.. pantun master la pulak. dah la spm bm elek.. me karang pantun.. ssoooo funny & unbelievable!